If you’re thinking about getting dental implants, talk to the experts at Artistic Smiles to see if All-on-Four Implants might be right for you.
What are All-on-Four Implants?
To understand this incredible technique, it is important to know what a dental implant is. An implant is a small post made of medical-grade titanium and other biologically compatible materials that is surgically implanted into the upper or lower jaw. As the jawbone heals, it incorporates the titanium rod in a process called osseointegration (OSS-ee-oh-in-te-GRAY-shun). This creates a sturdy, permanent anchor to which a prosthetic replacement tooth is attached. The dental implant replacement tooth, or teeth, are designed to match your existing teeth in color, shape and size.
All-on-Four implants are based on the idea that you shouldn’t need to implant a separate post for each tooth. In fact, people wanting to replace all of their upper or lower teeth only need four precisely placed surgical implants - hence the name All-on-Four. These four implants act as anchors for a full set of prosthetic teeth for the upper or lower jaw. These new teeth, made of porcelain or a tooth-colored acrylic called zirconia, are a continuous unit designed to fit your jaw and cannot be removed except by a qualified professional.
Like traditional dental implants, All-on-Four implants can prevent loss of bone density, improve your appearance and even decrease your risk of periodontal disease. All-on-Four has the added benefits of decreased healing time, fewer procedures and immediate results.
What is the Procedure Like?
Unlike regular dental implants, All-on-Four implants can usually be placed in a single outpatient procedure. Under general or local anesthesia, your dentist will prepare your mouth for the implants by removing any failing teeth and diseased or infected gums. Then they will begin the implantation process, inserting the four titanium rods into your jawbone: two at the front and two at the back. Then they will clean and suture the incision, and finally, attach the new prosthetic teeth. You will have some post-surgical pain and swelling, and will need to be on a soft diet for six weeks.
Am I A Good Candidate?
While the All-on-Four Implants are an excellent option for most people, the procedure is not right for everyone. The ideal candidates are people who need to replace an entire arch or set of teeth, those who are unhappy or uncomfortable wearing dentures, and people who don’t have enough bone density for traditional dental implants.
All-on-Four dental implants are a safe and effective way to transform your smile. With fewer procedures and shorter healing times, All-on-Four Implants are the long-term solution that will last you the rest of your life. If you are considering dental implants, come see the experts at Artistic Smiles to see if All-on-Four Implants are right for you. Call 818 991-2626 to book an appointment today.