A Sensitive tooth can signify a dental issue. The sensitivity occurs when your cavity damages your enamel leaving your softer tissues exposed. You can experience sudden pain that shoots deep into your tooth nerve endings.
Teeth sensitivity can be a symptom of cavities, gum disease, or cracked teeth. Here are signs that can help you know if you have a sensitivity issue:
Sudden And Sharp Pain
When you have a sensitive tooth, you are likely to experience sharp or sudden pain. This discomfort occurs when you consume cold, hot, or sweet food and drinks. The pain fades away when you remove the stimuli. You may also experience pain when rinsing your mouth with cold water.
Pain When Brushing
Brushing your teeth can enhance oral health and help you notice sensitivity issues. When brushing, you should enjoy a comfortable and painless session. If you feel pain during the process, you may likely have a sensitive tooth.
Discomforts When Exposed To Air
Cavities expose your teeth' nerves, making you sensitive to temperature changes. You may experience discomfort in the cavity-infected teeth whenever you inhale. The condition becomes worse during the cold days.
What Causes Sensitive Teeth?
While tooth decay is the main cause of teeth sensitivity, it can occur due to other issues. You can inherit the condition from your family as it can run in your genes. The condition can also occur due to improper brushing and flossing habits.
If you floss or brush your teeth too hard, you can wear off the enamel, exposing the inner tissues. Another cause is damaged or broken teeth with exposed dentin, teeth grinding, and/or improper oral health care that can lead to bacterial infection.
Tooth sensitivity is treatable with early detection. Visit our dentist today for an assessment if you have a sensitive tooth.